Researchers are exploring the medical frontier of psychedelics, and their use in facilitating psychotherapy for common mental illnesses.
“Stranger danger” now lurks less in the streets, and more in adult dating apps, gaming sites and consoles, and social media.
Pharmacy students are underlining their value by taking their skills from the classroom to the COVID-19 frontline.
How do we use digital technologies to make healthcare more accessible?
Doctors rely on independent guidelines when prescribing medication – and Mary Hemming AO is a key figure behind these.
Thomas Ko is spearheading innovative technology that takes injectable medicines and transforms them into pills.
One of Monash's first female Aboriginal law graduates, Virginia Robinson, is working tirelessly with the Aboriginal community on issues of social justice and empowerment.
Friendships, marriages and business partnerships continue to be forged at Monash.
Researchers focus on immune cells to save eyesight in adults and premature babies.
TBI is the leading cause globally of mortality among young adults.
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