Following the week’s elections in Britain and France, the centre has held for now, but it’s clear incumbents face severe challenges.
The rivalry between the US, China, Russia and Europe will continue amid the pandemic crisis, and beyond.
President Trump's foreign policy manoeuvres show that the 2020 elections are increasingly on his mind.
Some of the claims regarding the blazes need to be put into context. It’s not the number of fires, but rather the cumulative destruction that rightly has the world worried.
Will legislation and the Christchurch Call tech giants' agreement have a significant impact in combating violent online content, or muddy the internet waters?
More than an architectural marvel, it remains to be seen if the damaged Notre-Dame will be caught up in the divisions of French society, or play a role as a symbol of unity.
Brexit and the 'yellow vest' protests in Paris are symptoms of a growing discontent among people economically abandoned by globalisation.
Greece Prime Minister Alex Tsipras has declared that the country is back on its feet, but the numbers indicate its problems are far from over.
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