What does the future hold for the millions of women left to work in Asia’s agriculture sector battling a climate in collapse?
Gender equality, in the workforce and at home, took a backward step during the pandemic, with the patriarchy taking advantage of the virus. It’s not just up to women to fight back.
The United Nations predicts 340 million women and girls will be living in extreme poverty by 2030, but we can change this.
Gender bias and an unremitting loss of women from STEMM continues due to a disproportionate allocation of funds.
Australian fatherhood remains closely tied to “breadwinning”. History helps us to understand why.
Research shows last year’s lockdowns in Victoria were associated with near double the population prevalence of depressive and anxiety symptoms.
While the pandemic has been a blow to women’s rights, new forms of engagement are opening avenues for women to make their voices heard.
How do we smooth the transition for young people leaving out-of-home care?
Women have disproportionately borne the cost of the COVID care load, and it's affected their wellbeing.
The economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 crisis have reinforced gender inequality across the globe – as shown in the medical research field.
During this time of massive social upheaval, Monash sociologists explore how various community groups are faring.
It may seem like a holiday for some, but for others the idea and reality generates a range of anxieties, practical difficulties and other downsides.
Our post-coronavirus pandemic future will be very different to the one we anticipated, as it reshapes relationships, governments, business, and broader society.
Gender competence in healthcare can be a powerful tool in improving women's wellbeing – particularly mental health.
Sharman Stone has worked to advance the rights of women for more than 20 years, in Parliament and as Ambassador for Women and Girls, but her work isn't finished yet.
We need to think about the problems that men and women face not as competing priorities but as part of the same toxic social problem.
Is medical research is already adequately funded? AAPExpected cuts in health and medical research in the May Federal budget have led to a predicable backlash from vested interests. We are informed that any cuts will detrimentally affect standards of...
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