What does the future hold for the millions of women left to work in Asia’s agriculture sector battling a climate in collapse?
A new United Nations report, informed by Monash academic Bebe Loff’s research, offers a practical and evidence-based roadmap for preventing and helping eradicate femicides worldwide.
Despite a national plan to end violence against women and children, there’s no demonstrable evidence of a change of pace, or the emergency interventions needed, to achieve it.
Micro loans promised war-affected Sri Lankan and Cambodian women a way out of poverty as they rebuilt their lives. Instead, the loans trapped them in debt.
Barriers to the engagement of women in peace operations can sustain harmful workplace cultures, scuttle gender equality, and even peace outcomes.
Gang rape, sexual assaults at gunpoint, and rapes committed in front of children were among some of the accounts emerging from Ukraine’s capital Kyiv last month.
A new project is shining a light on gender inequalities in the Australian jazz and improvisation sector.
Single Australian women over 60 are the most likely to live in poverty, earning less than $30,000 a year, and it's taking a heavy emotional toll, with mental distress on the rise.
The four main contributors to poor mental health in older women include illness and disability, financial insecurity, maltreatment, and loss and grief.
The pandemic has had a marked impact on sexual and gender-based violence reporting in conflict zones.
No new funding for family violence, not enough for meaningful workplace change. What was the government thinking?
With its UN Security Council role soon coming to an end, what will Indonesia’s new-found global reputation for women, security and peace-building mean for the Indo-Pacific region?
The economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 crisis have reinforced gender inequality across the globe – as shown in the medical research field.
It may seem like a holiday for some, but for others the idea and reality generates a range of anxieties, practical difficulties and other downsides.
A glaring gap in Australia's migration system is failing victims of gendered violence.
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