New research has found that about one in three Australians have returned a Christmas gift to a retail store.
Despite the cost-of-living crisis, Australians are embracing the Christmas spirit, with plans to buy more gifts for friends, and increase the amount they spend.
The cost-of-living crisis is fuelling a surge in shoplifting, and a majority of younger consumers see it as “a little” to “completely” justifiable, a new retail study has found.
A four-year study of households has shown how the increasing focus on our homes as sites of work, rest and play can increase energy use despite soaring prices.
Research shoes Australians are embracing their first lockdown-free festive season since 2019.
This week, our expert guests focus on the future we can look forward to if we slow down and make a conscious effort to value our clothes, rather than seeing them as expendable or faddish.
How is the way we currently consume fashion pressuring the environment and supply chains? Where will we find ourselves in 50 years if our behaviours don’t change? And importantly … what will we wear?
Seal it up? Open it up? Air quality is a growing concern for Australian households, and the gap between energy advice and health advice leaves many people confused.
There are clear opportunities in Australia to transform food waste into more valuable products.
There's a fundamental shift occurring in consumer behaviour, from conspicuous consumption to conscious consumption.
A bill before Parliament may further weaken the procedure of checking claims made in advertisements for medicines.
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