It’s time to ditch colonial thinking and listen to the wisdom of Indigenous peoples to advance health and wellbeing, and to forge a sustainable planetary future.
New research indicates living with daughters can help lower gender wellbeing inequality in old age. But it also hints at the enduring influence of culture.
Medical faculties globally have been slow to recognise the training needs of the next generation of doctors regarding the health consequences of a heating planet.
If there’s proof needed that something needs changing, it’s surely the furtive cry we hear to “close the gap”.
A Different Lens: While it’s easy to dwell on the darker elements of contemporary global politics, we should all remember that positive change is also afoot.
Girls and women experience climate change in unique ways. This includes being vulnerable to gender-based violence as climate change brings about forced migration, loss of housing and income.
Universities are upping the ante on the climate change message ahead of the G20 summit.
Friendships, marriages and business partnerships continue to be forged at Monash.
Safe and clean access to water and sanitation is still not a right afforded to everyone, even in Australia.
Partnerships beyond the University's boundaries are key to the Monash Precinct becoming a Melbourne focal point, and a globally recognised innovation hub.
The challenge is to integrate AI into our society just like we’ve done with other valuable but dangerous technologies in the past, like electricity and cars.
From refugee to innovative tech entrepreneur, Tan Le has had a remarkable life journey.
Liam Suckling is on the grandest of adventures, one that will take him 160,000 kilometres around the globe and – all going well – to the top of the highest mountains of every continent.
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