New research shows Victoria’s COVID-19 lockdowns exacerbated existing loneliness among older people, leading to emotional suffering, and feelings of rejection.
There’s an expectation the “teals” will provide further challenges to the established parties in the Victorian election. But there are some key differences from May’s federal election.
While data to the end of January 2021 shows suicide didn’t increase in COVID-stricken Victoria, there’s still deep concern about the longer-term effects of the pandemic on mental health.
There are a few things we should do in Victoria to ensure the number of people getting tested for COVID-19 remains high.
More women are turning to online or telephone support for family violence during the second COVID-19 lockdown, while more men are also seeking help for abusive behaviour.
A "Kwozzie" shares the lessons learnt from living through the COVID-19 lockdown in New Zealand.
COVID-19 has proved that the homelessness problem is solvable, but will Australia make good on its human rights obligations once the pandemic has passed?
Takeaway coffee, yes; a stroll through Bunnings, no. The Victorian government has introduced tough stage four business restrictions to crack down on COVID-19 workplace transmission.
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