Are the rapid advancements in AI, medicine and neuroscience propelling us towards a transhumanist future?
A new study is exploring how to improve gastrointestinal problems that plague endurance athletes, including nausea, vomiting, bloating and diarrhoea.
The Monash University team that developed the world’s first low FODMAP diet for IBS has produced its first cookbook, incorporating gourmet recipes and evidence-based dietary tips.
Despite the lavish claims of some test providers, many food allergy and intolerance tests are far-fetched and unfounded.
Now that endometriosis is getting the attention it warrants, it's time for action to improve the lives of those affected.
Got a stomach ache? Gas? Bloating? Research shows fructan, not gluten, might be the cause and shows a diet that may help.
Worldwide it's estimated that 11% of the population has IBS* with more women suffering than men. Hypnotherapy treatment may turn out to be a major part of the solution.
Five years on, Monash's FODMAP app continues to change the lives of IBS sufferers.
Got a stomach ache? Gas? Bloating? New research shows gluten might not be the culprit after all.
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