Australia must utilise its comprehensive strategic partnership with ASEAN to share knowledge and advance areas for collaboration, to accelerate the energy transition and green economy.
The leaders of Russia and China are skipping the G20 summit, but their absences – and rifts over the Ukraine war – will have a big influence on the proceedings.
Universities are upping the ante on the climate change message ahead of the G20 summit.
President Trump's foreign policy manoeuvres show that the 2020 elections are increasingly on his mind.
E-commerce represents less than two per cent of commerce in Southeast Asia. For venture capitalist, Jefrey Joe, that gap represents opportunity.
For corporate leader, Jane McAloon, just having a purpose around making money isn’t enough to sustain a business.
Friendships, marriages and business partnerships continue to be forged at Monash.
As CEO of the Climate Council, Amanda McKenzie is on the frontline of the climate wars between those who accept the science and urgency of climate change, and those who don't.
Philanthropy is now viewed as a way of creating communities of people with a shared goal of bringing positive, practical change to the world.
Monash is playing a leading role in the push to meet the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.
Partnerships beyond the University's boundaries are key to the Monash Precinct becoming a Melbourne focal point, and a globally recognised innovation hub.
The challenge is to integrate AI into our society just like we’ve done with other valuable but dangerous technologies in the past, like electricity and cars.
Monash law graduate Nicole Iseppi is an influential figure in global energy infrastructure, working to empower societies through a low-carbon future.
The roses bloom and she sells the petals all over the world – even to TV franchises such as The Bachelor and Dancing With the Stars.
From refugee to innovative tech entrepreneur, Tan Le has had a remarkable life journey.
Hyper-masculinity is a defining feature of global politics, but the #metoo movement is prising open opportunities to pursue gender equality as women fight back.
The exploitation of gender in populist politics is no more starkly illustrated than in the Philippines.
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