Politicians have cynically used metaphor to imply meaning through language.
You can’t hurt a robot – but do you want to be the kind of person who sinks the boot into a harmless robodog?
As British PM Boris Johnson copped criticism from both sides of the political aisle, it was refreshing to see a recognisable form of the Rule of Law deployed that didn’t seek to capitalise on the concept’s inherent ambiguity.
Whale strandings have perplexed observers since the days of Aristotle. The answer as to why they do is complex and, to some degree, it's still misunderstood.
We hear from Ali Alizadeh, a literary critic, poet and writer on the philosophy of art, who sees the biggest threat to art as the growing need for it to have function.
British writer Mary Astell is a shining example of how women have long played a role in shaping modern philosophical thought.
We should keep in mind that education is valuable beyond graduate earning capacity, and that what a student learns during their education can have little to do with why they earn more.
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