While AI and robotics reshape our reality, experts explore how these emerging tools could be used to create a more equitable future – from healthcare breakthroughs to Indigenous-led innovation.
As they improve, we’ll likely trust AI models with more and more responsibility. But if their autonomous decisions end up causing harm, our current legal frameworks may not be up to scratch.
Ways to interact with virtual versions of our deceased loved ones are now a possibility – but there’s a raft of ethical and emotional challenges involved.
Are the rapid advancements in AI, medicine and neuroscience propelling us towards a transhumanist future?
Does our inherent embrace of technology that makes our lives easier have the potential to threaten our very way of being?
Monash's award-winning podcast, “What Happens Next?”, returns for an eighth season that explores pressing global issues.
Could our fascination with objectivity be the Pied Piper that led us to develop a machine some of us now fear and avoid?
In the AI age, rewarding the beauty of our imperfections by designing learning activities and assessments that reframe “deficiencies” as human assets that can be complemented by AI could be the way forward.
This week on Monash University's podcast, “What Happens Next?”, learn how emerging technologies are changing the way we think about soldiers, and the way soldiers think about their jobs.
A new episode of Monash University's podcast, “What Happens Next?”, examines what the future will look like if we don’t consider the moral and ethical quandaries presented by new technologies on the battlefield.
If humans are programming artificial intelligence, are we stuck with the human biases that inadvertently work their way into AI systems?
How did assumptions and biases find their way into machines? As groups around the world fight for social equality, is AI helping or hurting our progress?
The social media giant has turned 15, but its growing pains continue.
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