The recent TramLab collaboration examines the issues impacting safety and perceptions of safety for women and girls on Victorian public transport.
Public-space cameras are meant to make us feel safer, but women don’t always see them that way.
Music and public transport infrastructure might not seem a natural pairing, but for Adele McCarthy they’re the complementary bookends of a rich education.
Fear of contracting COVID-19, and a lack of physical distancing on public transport, is predicted to lead to a rise in car use once the pandemic passes.
There are ways we can move towards zero-emissions transport in a post-COVID-19 Australian economy.
With the pandemic having slashed travel in Victoria, research is examining whether the government spending tens of billions on its transport agenda is a worthwhile investment.
A research project aims to help Melbourne commuters make more efficient use of the existing road and transport network by tailoring individual journeys.
We know overcrowded public transport is a major deterrent to using it, but a Monash lab is working to change that.
Don't believe the hype when it comes to reports that driverless cars are the answer to our traffic problems.
Uncovering real experiences of gender in public places, from sports facilities to public transport, community services and infrastructure, to simply walking down the street.
Australia has guidelines for designing safe parks, but the stories of many women show these are not enough. We must involve women in co-designing these shared public spaces.
Victoria has been allocated almost $7.8 billion for public transport infrastructure in the federal budget. But what are the long-term solutions?
The long-touted links to Tullamarine and Monash have again been revived, but questions remain over the plans.
It's not just empty laneways and dark corners where girls and women feel threatened.
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