Published Feb 28 2025

Chapter and verse: Understanding Australian reading habits

Reading for pleasure has proven benefits across health, education, and employment, contributing to a healthier, happier, and more connected nation. Yet recreational reading rates are in decline, making it crucial to understand why and how people read and the barriers they face.

Researchers from BehaviourWorks Australia, in partnership with Australia Reads, surveyed 1622 Australians aged 16 and older to understand their attitudes, emotions, and behaviours related to recreational reading.

The survey identified six audience segments based on frequency and challenges related to reading.

1. Avid readers (22.4%): The daily devotee

These readers engage with books daily and have no issues starting new books. Their reading habits are seamless, with no gap between how much they intend to read and what they actually read. They face no significant barriers, and have the motivation, time, and ability to read regularly.

2. Engaged readers (30.6%): The regular but busy reader

Engaged readers read regularly, often daily, or a few times a week. However, there’s often a gap between how much they want to read and how much they actually do. They face barriers related to managing distractions and competing priorities, along with time constraints.

3. Ambivalent readers (14.8%): The uncertain explorer

These readers are uncertain about their interest in reading, and whether they want to make it a bigger priority. Their reading habits vary significantly, and they experience barriers such as lack of motivation and indifference towards reading. They struggle to see reading as something worth prioritising.

4. Aspirational readers (14.7%): The eager yet struggling seeker

Aspirational readers want to read more but in practice do so only occasionally, maybe just once a month or a few times a year. They enjoy reading, but often prioritise other activities. Motivation, time management, and distractions are their primary barriers to more regular reading.

5. Lapsed readers (7.1%): The forgotten book-lovers

Lapsed readers used to read more but have fallen out of the habit. Despite not reading in the past year, they remember positive reading experiences. More than half of them read less than they intend to, which shows a desire to reconnect with reading. They experience barriers related to capability, opportunity and motivation, and generally prefer other forms of entertainment.

6. Uninterested non-readers (10.4%): The complete disconnect

Uninterested non-readers do not read for recreation and lack interest in doing so. The barriers they face are significant – low motivation, lack of interest in finding books and making time to read, difficulty concentrating, and a preference for other forms of entertainment.

Mapping the reading journey

The reading journey is a sequence of reading behaviours that people can follow from start to end, jump forwards and backwards through, and even go through simultaneously for different books. The journey involves six stages, from finding books, choosing books, getting books, starting to read, and finishing books.

We mapped the six audience segments across these reading stages, providing insight into the different drivers and barriers faced by each group at every step.

Finding books: Browsing and discovering options

Avid and engaged readers find it easy to discover new books. Aspirational and ambivalent readers face challenges in this stage, often not viewing browsing as a valuable activity. They may only find books they want to read a few times a year.

For those struggling to find books, we may need to reframe browsing as a worthwhile activity in its own right, and suggest easier ways to connect readers to books such as curated lists and recommendations from trusted sources.

Choosing books: The decision-making process

Across all segments, genre plays a key role in the decision-making process. Engaged readers consider multiple factors, including price, genre, and author, when selecting books. Ambivalent readers, however, tend to focus more on practical elements, such as book length and affordability, while still considering genre and author preferences.

Getting books: How readers acquire their books

Avid readers are frequent buyers but also tend to borrow books from libraries more than others. In contrast, aspirational readers tend to purchase books from physical book stores or department stores. Ambivalent readers have inconsistent acquisition habits, sometimes opting for libraries, bookstores, or online sources.

Making books easily accessible, whether by promoting libraries or easy digital downloads, is key across all segments.

Starting to read: The first step

For avid readers, starting a book is simple – they typically know exactly which book they want to read next. Engaged readers often find it helpful to have a set time for reading, while aspirational and ambivalent readers’ decision to start a book depends on their mood or personal interest.

Having a regular reading time and setting small achievable goals are helpful in starting to read, along with remembering that there’s a book for every mood.

Continuing to read: Engaging with the book

Avid readers persist even if they lose interest in a book. Half of them will only stop reading once they’re fully disengaged. Engaged readers share this persistence, with a third stating they’re determined to finish what they start. Aspirational and ambivalent readers, however, are more likely to abandon books they’re not enjoying. Helping these groups find the right content and reinforcing the idea that it’s OK to put down a book can help improve engagement.

The six segments offer a deeper understanding of the motivations, behaviours, and barriers to recreational reading. Each segment faces unique challenges at different stages of the reading journey.

By addressing these barriers and providing tailored strategies to meet the needs of each group, we can help more Australians engage with reading, and foster a culture of reading for pleasure.

About the Authors

  • Breanna wright

    Research Fellow, BehaviourWorks Australia, Monash Sustainable Development Institute

    Breanna’s research interests focus primarily on understanding behavioural drivers in a range of different contexts, from reporting animal disease to healthy dining choices, social inclusion and health behaviours. Using quantitative and qualitative research techniques, she has investigated the motivators and barriers to specific behaviours; for example, speaking up about your healthcare or doctors seeking a second opinion.

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