Published Jun 03 2024

What Australia is doing to address escalating violence against women

It’s a distressing issue. Gender-based violence continues to thrive in many harmful ways. From systemic discrimination, political oppression and online misogyny, to femicide and domestic abuse.

In 2023, there was a 28% increase in the number of women killed by their partners in Australia. However, a shocking disparity emerges from Australia’s latest homicide statistics.

Indigenous women face a homicide rate of 3.07 per 100,000, a staggering figure compared to the 0.45 per 100,000 rate for non-Indigenous women.

Read more: New research reveals harrowing stories of murdered Indigenous women, and the failure of police to act

This disproportionate violence extends to intimate partner homicides, with 63% committed against Indigenous women, and 52% for non-Indigenous women.

Despite this alarming reality, these cases often go unnoticed, highlighting a critical need to address bias and ensure justice for all victims of gender-based violence.

While Australia grapples with gender-based violence, many countries still lack robust reporting systems and effective responses.

Within the 23 countries of Oceania, Australia is one of the few where data is collected annually. Gaps in data collection on the experiences of violence limit the efforts to generate knowledge on what works to prevent violence.

In 2010, only 82 countries globally had survey data available on intimate partner violence. That number has since almost doubled in 2024.

Surveys in the Pacific have recorded some of the highest rates of intimate partner violence in the world. In Oceania, the average rate of death due to intimate partner violence is 1.1 per 100,000 women and girls. In Asia, the “femicide” rate is 0.8 per 100,000, although this number is likely much higher due to barriers to reporting violence and registering deaths as the result of gender-based violence.

It was not until 1992 that violence against women was recognised as a human rights violation by United Nations member states.

Most countries have recognised intimate partner violence as a crime for less than three decades. As a result, the evidence base on what works to reduce it is limited, but is growing.

One of the biggest regional challenges is to recognise gender-based violence as a crime. This is an opportunity for Australia to share its own learning experiences, and to learn from others.

Putting the national crisis into the regional context shows that compared to other countries (where there’s often very low reporting of violence against women, let alone prevention or responses to this violence), Australia is making progress on a complex problem.

An announcement by Australia’s federal government signals a stronger commitment to tackling gender-based violence and the rising tide of online misogyny – itself a risk factor fuelling offline gender-based violence.

This comes after a disturbing surge in online sexual harassment, and persistent instances of violence against women on and offline.

Research continues to show that technology-facilitated violence (violence perpetrated with the assistance of digital tools and technologies) and the spread of hateful, misogynistic and harmful content in the digital world precedes real-world violence against women and girls.

Countering online misogyny and its impact on young people and children requires more than a targeted campaign to address extensive extremist content, such as TikTok videos by influencers such as Andrew Tate, who promote hitting and choking young women.

It demands an integrated curriculum that educates young people about the harms generated by such content,  and empowers them to counter it.

Read more: Post-truth politics and manosphere extremists in Australian schools

Calling intimate partner violence terrorism can help draw attention to it, but it doesn’t change the experience of those living this reality, who need holistic care and support to address safety, trauma, and the drivers of violence in their situations.

Being cautious in how we phrase gender-based violence is important, as certain terminology may enhance potential risks to victims, such as increasing a reluctance to report to authorities, especially for marginalised communities, and it may increase the reluctance of those who use violence to seek support to change their behaviour.

Some women are killed by intimate partners. Some by children or other family members. Some women are killed by acquaintances or strangers in deliberate acts. Because each death is different, they require different solutions and approaches for future prevention.

A Melbourne rally in April calling for an end to family violence. Photo: Andrea Baker

There’s no universal intervention or response for reducing gender-based violence in a diverse, multicultural society like Australia or in the richly diverse Indo-Pacific region.

The Australian government’s strategy emphasises targeted, evidence-based approaches, and acknowledges the need for diverse solutions.

A key contributor to this strategy is the newly-established Australian Research Centre of Excellence for the Elimination of Violence Against Women or CEVAW.

This multidisciplinary centre will focus on building a robust evidence base, incorporating Indigenous research methods and the experiences of survivors to help deliver workable approaches to eliminate violence against women across Australia and the Indo-Pacific region.

Given the rates of Indigenous women who are victims of violence, CEVAW has a dedicated focus on Indigenous-led research – which is severely lacking.

What’s required is a distinct community-centred approach, recognising the local drivers that facilitate violence, and can be used as an opportunity to prevent future violence.

An Indigenous-centred approach with local organisations, local language and leaders to deliver targeted messages will have more impact than any generalised prevention strategies.

Evidence can also be collected from survivors’ experiences, and the barriers and challenges they encountered when reporting violence, accessing services, and in recovery.

These experiences will vary significantly. Care must be given to ensure survivors are supported in sharing their stories, and that they can contribute to social, structural, legal and political change, especially those survivors with marginalised voices.

CEVAW also has a dedicated focus on the harms and potentials of technology and online spaces, and is producing evidence on how to disrupt online misogyny, and harness technology in positive ways to prevent gender-based violence on and offline.

The strategy announced by the National Cabinet and the future work of CEVAW are important steps towards preventing online misogyny and assisting women in escaping gender-based violence.

This article was co-authored with Professor Sara E Davies, Deputy Director (Indo-Pacific research) at CEVAW and Professor of
International Relations at Griffith University; Professor Bronwyn Carlson, Macquarie University; Professor Heather Douglas, University of Melbourne (Deputy Directors at CEVAW); and Professor Astghik Maviskalayan, Curtin University.

Originally published under Creative Commons by 360info™.

About the Authors

  • Jacqui true

    Professor of International Relations; Director, Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the Elimination of Violence against Women (CEVAW)

    Jacqui is Director of Monash University’s Centre for Gender, Peace and Security. She’s an Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellow, and a Global Fellow, Peace Research Institute (PRIO), Oslo. Jacqui's current research is focused on three areas of relevance to the broader women, peace and security agenda: Understanding the political economy of violence against women, including sexual and gender-based violence in conflict in Asia Pacific; examining the gender dimensions and women’s roles in recruitment, support for and prevention of violent extremism and; analysing gender-sensitive peace agreements and their impact on women’s participation after conflict. This research is funded by the Australian Research Council, the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the United Nations.

  • Asher flynn

    Associate Professor, Criminology, School of Social Sciences; Monash Data Futures Institute

    Dr Asher Flynn is an Associate Professor of Criminology, and Director of the Social and Political Sciences Graduate Research Program at Monash University. Her research utilises a socio-legal framework to understand, critique and transform legal policy and practice, with a particular focus on gendered and technology-facilitated violence. Informed by national and international context, her research examines experiences of accessing and negotiating justice. She is currently Lead Chief Investigator on an Australian Criminology Research Council Grant, Preventing Image-Based Cybercrime in Australia: The Role of Bystanders.

  • Kyllie cripps

    Professor and Director, Monash Indigenous Studies Centre, Faculty of Arts

    Kyllie is a Palawa woman, in the School of Philosophical, Historical and International Studies and the School of Social Sciences. She’s also the Director of Monash's Indigenous Studies Centre. Kyllie is one of Australia’s leading researchers on Indigenous family violence, child abuse and sexual assault. Having worked extensively with Indigenous communities for over 20 years, she’s contributed to the field through empirical studies that have defined violence on Indigenous terms, identified the factors contributing to violence, and examined the access and availability of services to Indigenous peoples in the aftermath of violence. Her work has been critical in identifying gaps and opportunities to create sustainable solutions to support policy and practice change that’s responsive to the identified needs of Indigenous communities.

  • Jane fisher

    Finkel Professor of Global Health and Director of Global and Women’s Health, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

    Jane is an academic clinical and health psychologist with longstanding interests in the social determinants of health. Her research has focused on gender-based risks to women's mental health and psychological functioning from adolescence to mid-life, in particular related to fertility, conception, pregnancy, the perinatal period and chronic non-communicable diseases, and on parenting capabilities and early childhood development in low- and high-income settings.

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