Available for comment on
Injury and violence prevention
Forensic medicine
Preventive medicine
Suicide prevention
Lyndal has a joint appointment as Associate Professor at Monash University Nursing and Midwifery, where she’s director of research, and the Department of Forensic Medicine, where she’s research lead for the Violence Investigation Research and Training Unit. She has qualifications in criminology, and a research doctorate in public health.
Her experience in the conduct of medico-legal investigations and the utility of information generated for these investigations has been applied to pre and post-vention responses to injury and violence. She’s contributed to the development of a number of injury and violence surveillance systems to enhance the medico-legal investigation for the purposes of prevention.
Lyndal has designed and led a number of collaborative research studies that have culminated in the development of evidence-based recommendations to mitigate the risk of injury and violence. Her research has contributed to legislative and policy changes that subsequently reduced fatal injury.