Published Oct 18 2022

More women entrepreneurs mean less global poverty

“If you want to change the world, help the women.” – Nelson Mandela.

Entrepreneurs are an engine of economic growth that can drive post-pandemic recovery. But while women are as creative and innovative as men, far fewer are entrepreneurs.

The average share of female business owners fluctuates at about 25%, and the average share of female sole proprietors is below 35%.

Globally, 16 million more women than men live in poverty due to unequal access to, and control over, economic resources.

Levelling the playing field as the world becomes more digital could push poverty rates down.

Women microentrepreneurs were disproportionately affected when almost all countries imposed some form of a lockdown to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The pandemic, however, forced businesses to embrace technology to move online.

Digital tools have replaced physical interactions and transactions, and information and communications technology (ICT) has been identified as an essential tool to facilitate the empowerment of women in emerging economies.

ICT enables women microentrepreneurs to start and grow businesses, and when already in business, to reach out further to customers, become more efficient and build their enterprises in ways they could not do before.

As a result, women's social status and quality of life can be improved. But not everyone is benefiting equally.

Globally, by 2020, only 57% of women were using the internet compared with an estimated 62% of men.

While that digital gender divide has been narrowing across all regions, women remain digitally marginalised in many of the world’s poorest countries, where online access could potentially have its most powerful effect.

Factors associated with this digital divide include age, disability, gender, illiteracy, income level, and the urban-rural division of economic activities.

The role of belief systems

Despite the efforts of policymakers and NGOs to increase e-commerce adoption during the pandemic, women microentrepreneurs who face social and structural hindrances couldn’t participate.

To help push up e-commerce adoption, policymakers could look to research on the role of general belief systems in technology adoption.

Different general beliefs create different mindsets towards new technology, and these different mindsets influence women microentrepreneurs’ perceptions of and responses to ICT use differently.

A recent study showed that women microentrepreneurs with a greater growth mindset are more likely to perceive that technology is easy to use and useful and, therefore, have a higher propensity to adopt e-commerce for their business.

Cultivating a growth mindset may be a promising channel to foster greater e-commerce use, with important implications for entrepreneurship.

Addressing the gender gap in entrepreneurship is essential to boost innovation, improve competitiveness, increase productivity and create jobs, all which help achieve zero global poverty.

Originally published under Creative Commons by 360info™.

About the Authors

  • Grace lee hooi yean

    Professor, School of Business, Monash University Malaysia

    Grace is a professor of economics and head of the Department of Economics at Monash University Malaysia. She’s currently leading a team of researchers from Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand on a regional project titled ‘Rural Women Empowerment through Entrepreneurship in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand’. She’s the principal investigator of the World Values Survey (WVS), a global network of social scientists studying changing values and their impact on social and political life since 1981 in more than 100 countries. Her principal areas of interest are applied economics, experimental and behavioural economics.

  • Koh geok may

    Senior Lecturer, School of Business, Monash University Malaysia

    Sharon is the Director of Graduate Research Programs. Her research lies in the areas of Development Economics and Economic Integration, mainly focusing on countries in Southeast Asia. Her research interests include development economics, economic integration and the ASEAN Economy.

  • Juliana french

    Senior Lecturer, School of Business, Monash University Malaysia

    Juliana is the Head of the department of marketing and a senior lecturer. Her research lies in the intersections of culture, politics and the marketplace reflected in consumption behaviour, with an emphasis on how socio-cultural-political forces inevitably marginalise communities within the Asian region.

  • Abu zafar shahriar

    Associate Professor, Banking and Finance, Monash University Malaysia

    Abu conducts empirical and experimental research on microfinance, financial inclusion, entrepreneurship, and crowdfunding. His research has appeared in the Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance. Journal of Business Venturing, and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice among others.

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