Published Sep 30 2024

Painting a clearer picture of collagen in heart disease, towards earlier diagnosis

Collagen, the most abundant protein in the body, is known for its role in healthy bones, skin, tendons, ligaments, connective tissues and muscles, including the heart. It makes up about one-third of all the protein in our bodies, and is often described as the “glue” that holds us together.

While there are 28 known types of collagen, it’s generally grouped into five main types:

  • Type I is the most abundant, and is used to provide structure to skins, bones, tendons and ligaments.
  • Type II is found in the cartilage that provides joint support, such as in your knees.
  • Type III is found in muscles, arteries and organs.
  • Type IV is found in the layers of your skin.
  • Type V relates to your eyes, hair and skin.

As we age, though, our bodies produce less collagen, and the existing collagen can become abnormal or compromised. In some circumstances — such as cardiac disease, high blood pressure or heart inflammation — it can stiffen, rather than strengthen heart tissue, and the fine fibres are difficult to see until the scarring is advanced.

An MRI image of a human heart. Image: iStock/Getty Images Plus

This can lead to a condition known as diffuse cardiac fibrosis, which is present in almost all chronic cardiac diseases. Detecting the abnormal collagen deposits, however, is difficult, and is usually done through a cardiac MRI or ultrasound scan.

Now, though, a team of Monash scientists has developed an imaging technique that can better-detect the abnormal collagen deposits in the heart, and which could lead to earlier diagnoses.

The Monash team at the School of Translational Medicine has developed a new radiotracer (a chemical probe used in positron emission tomography, or PET imaging) consisting of a short chain of amino acids called a T-peptide. Once injected into the body, the T-peptide accumulates where collagen has expanded, a sign that the heart muscle has become fibrotic.

Professor Christoph Hagemeyer, Dr Bianca Jupp and Dr Be’eri Niego, led by Dr Karen Alt, conducted the ground-breaking work, supported by Professor Paul Donnelly from Bio 21 at The University of Melbourne, who synthesised the tracer.

Their experimental study, funded by a Heart Foundation Vanguard Grant and published in the journal Radiology: Cardiothoracic Imaging, shows that in animal models, the method can more sensitively detect heart fibrosis than methods currently used in clinics – cardiac MRI and ultrasound scans.

First author Dr Be’eri Niego says diffuse cardiac fibrosis is challenging to diagnose.

“T-Peptide-based imaging enables us to directly see a build-up of collagen deposits throughout the heart muscle – something existing imaging doesn’t do very well.”

Dr Alt hopes human trials will confirm this as a new technique to identify people more likely to progress to serious disease, and be used for fibrotic diseases affecting other organs.

“T-peptide imaging is highly sensitive in picking up early stages of disease, when early intervention can have the most impact and can potentially reverse the disease,” she says.

“Some forms of diffuse cardiac fibrosis are actually reversible, so having more sensitive imaging will be important for early treatment of disease.”

Developing PET probes is just as challenging as developing a new drug. Internationally, more than 100 radiopharmaceuticals have been developed to date, but only a handful are approved for use in PET imaging.

One of the biggest challenges in the field is differentiation – developing a probe that is specific to an organ or disease stage.

About the Authors

  • Christoph hagemeyer

    Professor and Director, Monash Biomedical Imaging, Monash University

    Christoph, a chemist by training, obtained a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Freiburg (Germany). He made contributions to the field of Cytochrome P450 metabolism in the rodent brain before moving into cardiovascular research developing anti-thrombotic recombinant fusion proteins and novel imaging probes. He migrated to Australia in 2005 and is Head of the NanoBiotechnology Laboratory at Monash University’s Australian Centre for Blood Diseases. His main research interests are drug delivery, molecular imaging and novel bioconjugation techniques in thrombosis, inflammation and cancer.

  • Be'eri niego

    Research Fellow, Australian Centre for Blood Diseases, Monash University

    Be'eri is an experienced medical scientist with a strong track record in cardiovascular research and Bio/Nanotechnologies (PhD in stroke and fibrinolysis from Monash University). He also gained valuable training in clinical trials at the Alfred Hospital, providing him with great exposure both to the bench and the bedside. He leads and manages research projects from the planning stages to conclusive outcomes, with special emphasis on an inclusive, loyal, friendly and professional team atmosphere. Innovation, high research standards, integrity and synergism of people's strengths are cornerstone principles in his work.

  • Bianca jupp

    Research Fellow, Department of Neuroscience, Monash University

    Bianca is a Research Fellow and Lead Pre-clinical PET/CT Scientist in the Department of Neuroscience in the School of Translational Medicine, Monash University. Her research primarily investigates the neural mechanisms underlying addiction and addiction vulnerability with a particular emphasis on behavioural traits known to mediate risk for this disorder, such as impulsivity and cognitive flexibility. As part of this work, Dr Jupp has developed an interest and expertise in the application of pre-clinical neuroimaging, specifically PET and MRI, to investigate individual differences in behaviour and treatment response in rodent models, with a focus on the translational utility of these approaches.

  • Karen alt

    Senior Lecturer, Australian Centre for Blood Diseases, Monash University

    Karen is an immunologist with experience in health sciences research and specialised expertise with antibody engineering and molecular imaging. Since 2019, she has been the NanoTheranostics Laboratory Head at the Australian Centre for Blood Diseases, Monash University. Prior to this she was a Senior Research Officer at Monash University and a Research Officer at the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, where she also took on the role of NanoPET/CT Preclinical Imaging Facilty Manager. A central objective of her research is to develop imaging techniques to better understand the underlying mechanisms of different disease progression and the impact of therapy.

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