Published Sep 05 2024

How consumers can influence who controls AI

Warren Buffett got it partly right about AI. The billionaire investor and philanthropist told CNN earlier this year:

“We let a genie out of the bottle when we developed nuclear weapons … AI is somewhat similar — it’s part way out of the bottle.”

Buffett’s rationale is that, much like nuclear weapons, AI holds the potential to unleash profound consequences on a vast scale, for better or worse.

And, like nuclear weapons, AI is concentrated in the hands of the few. In AI’s case, tech companies and nations. This is a comparison that’s not often talked about.

As these companies push the boundaries of innovation, a critical question emerges: Are we sacrificing fairness and societal wellbeing on the altar of progress?

One study suggests that big tech’s influence is ubiquitous across all streams of the policy process, reinforcing their position as “super policy entrepreneurs”.

This allows them to steer policies to favour their interests, often at the expense of broader societal concerns.

This concentrated power also allows these corporations to mould AI technologies using vast datasets reflective of specific demographics and behaviours, often at the expense of broader society.

The result is a technological landscape that, while rapidly advancing, may be inadvertently deepening societal divides and perpetuating existing biases.

Ethical concerns

The ethical concerns stemming from this concentration of power are significant.

If an AI model is primarily trained on data reflecting one demographic’s behaviour, it may perform poorly when interacting with or making decisions about other demographics, potentially leading to discrimination and social injustice.

This bias amplification isn’t just a theoretical concern, but a pressing reality that demands immediate attention.

Porcha Woodruff, for example, a pregnant black woman, found herself wrongfully arrested due to a facial recognition error – a stark reminder of AI’s real-world consequences.

In healthcare, a widely used algorithm severely underestimated black patients’ needs, leading to inadequate care and perpetuating existing disparities. These cases underscore a troubling pattern – AI systems, trained on biased data, amplify societal inequalities.

Consider the algorithms driving these AI systems, developed mainly within environments that lack sufficient oversight regarding fairness and inclusivity.

Developing bias

Consequently, AI applications in areas such as facial recognition, hiring practices, and loan approvals might develop biased outcomes, affecting underrepresented communities disproportionately.

Read more: How should we regulate the use of facial recognition in Australia?

This risk is accentuated by the business model of these corporations, which emphasises rapid development and deployment over rigorous ethical review, putting profits above proper consideration of the long-term societal impacts.

To counter these challenges, a change in AI development is urgently needed.

Broadening the influence beyond big tech companies to include independent researchers, ethicists, public interest groups and government regulators working collaboratively to establish guidelines that prioritise ethical considerations and societal wellbeing in AI development would be a good start.

Governments have a pivotal role to play

Stringent antitrust enforcement would limit big tech’s power and promote competition.

An independent watchdog with authority to sanction big tech practices would also help, along with increasing public participation in policymaking, and requiring transparency in tech companies’ algorithms and data practices.

Global cooperation on fostering ethical standards and investments in educational programs to empower citizens to understand the impact of technology on society will further support these efforts.

The academic world, too, can step up. Researchers can advance methods to detect and neutralise biases in AI algorithms and training data. By engaging the public, academia can ensure diverse voices are heard in the shaping of AI policy.

Public vigilance and participation are indispensable for holding companies and governments accountable. The public can exert market pressure by choosing AI products from companies that demonstrate ethical practices.

While regulating AI would help prevent the concentration of its power among the few, antitrust measures that curb monopolistic behaviour, promote open standards, and support smaller firms and start-ups could help steer AI advancements towards public good.

Unique opportunity

Nonetheless, the challenge remains that developing AI requires substantial data and computational resources, which can be a significant hurdle for smaller players.

This is where open-source AI presents a unique opportunity to democratise access, potentially creating more innovation across diverse sectors.

Allowing researchers, start-ups, and educational institutions equal access to engage with state-of-the-art AI tools levels the playing field.

The future of AI is not predetermined. Taking action now can shape a technological landscape that reflects our collective values and aspirations, ensuring the benefits of AI are shared equitably across society.

The question is not whether we can afford to take these steps, but whether we can afford not to.

Originally published under Creative Commons by 360info™.

About the Authors

  • Arif perdana

    Associate Professor, Data Science Indonesia, Monash Data Futures Institute

    Arif’s diverse research illuminates the transformative role of digital technologies such as algorithmic systems, automated decision-making, data analytics, and blockchain in various sectors, from finance to education to healthcare transformation. He’s provided critical insights into the challenges of adopting digital technologies while exploring technology-driven strategies across sectors. His current studies focus on responsible AI in finance, the applicability of blockchain in business, and machine learning algorithms. These various studies illustrate his extensive portfolio and commitment to tackling the complexities of digital strategies.

  • Ridoan karim

    Lecturer, School of Business, Monash University Malaysia

    Ridoan is a Lecturer at the Department of Business Law & Taxation, School of Business, Monash University Malaysia. He has taught and researched in the fields of business and international trade law. Prior to joining the Department of Business Law and Taxation of Monash University Malaysia, Ridoan was a full-time Lecturer for more than three years at the School of Business Administration, East Delta University, Bangladesh. His research interests include environment and energy law, business law, law and technology and public policy and governance.

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